Fixing Over the Top
Slicers can fix their slice if they swing inside out on the downswing. Lots of golfers have the move called "over the top." It means that they are swinging from outside in or cutting across the ball.
To fix this problem, some golfers try to take the club back inside to swing from inside out on the downswing.
They think if they take it back on the inside, it will let them swing from inside on the downswing.
But I don't recommend you to take it back too much on the inside.
Backswing does not Equal Downswing
If you take it back too much on the inside, it will force you to swing from the outside on the downswing.
As you swing too much on the inside, it prevents you from transferring your weight to the right and will force you to lift your arms near the top your swing.
When you lift your arms instead of turning your body, you will fail to accumulate your power.