How to Fold Your Left Arm during the Follow Through
Lots of teachers will tell you to fold your left arm after impact. It's important to fold your left arm to increase clubhead speed.
If you can't fold your left arm, that means you are leaving the clubface open during the impact.
The root cause for this problem might be in your grip, ball position or posture.
If you can't fix it even if you change your grip or ball position, you might be using your lower body too much during the swing.
If you feel like you have too much foot work, that might be the cause.
Too much foot work will restrict the free movement of your arms. It also decreases the clubhead speed and makes it harder to turn the face over through impact.
Here is a simple drill to fix that problem.
Grab a 7 iron. And take a wider stance than usual. The stance width for this drill should be more than shoulder width.
This wider stance will restrict your lower body movement during the swing.
Now, take lots of practice swings in this stance. This drill will teach you to swing your arms. It will also give you the feeling of folding the left arm after impact.