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Hover the Driver Head above the Ground

There are some tour pros who hover the driver head behind the ball at address. I think there are 5 types of players who will do well with this set up.

1. Players fighting pushed shots
2. Slicers
3. Players who want to swing on a flatter swing plane
4. Players who want to tee it up higher
5. Players who feel like they aren't catching the ball on the sweet spot of the driver

Let me explain a bit more about them.


1. Players fighting pushed shots

When you tee it up higher but set your driver head on the ground at address, you might hit a pushed shot or slice.

If you tee it up much higher than normal, you are going to have to raise the clubhead to hit the ball on the sweet spot because if you return your clubhead to the address position at impact, you will pop it up.

But if you raise your clubhead above the ground, the clubhead will move further away from your body. This will make it much easier to hit it more toward the heel of the clubface.

To avoid hitting on the heel of the clubhead, you will have to swing too much from the inside or open the face coming into impact.

That's why you slice or hit a pushed shot.

All these problems will be solved if you just hover the clubhead behind the ball at address.


2. Slicers
3. Players who want to swing on a flatter swing plane

If you a slicer, you might want to try hovering the clubhead behind the ball at address because this will make you swing on a flatter swing plane which will help you turn the clubface over through impact.

When you hit a ball above your feet, you tend to hit a hook or draw. Teeing it up higher will have the similar effect.


4. Players who want to tee it up higher
5. Players who feel like they aren't catching the ball on the sweet spot of the driver

According to the study about the relationship between the tee height and driving distance, you will get more distance if you tee it up higher so that the bottom of the ball is above the top of the driver head.

This is really high. But players did better with this tee height. And surprisingly, higher tee height helped them produce more accurate shots off the tee.

So you might want to try teeing it up higher. But when you tee it up much higher, you need to hover the clubhead above the ground.

If you set the clubhead on the ground at address, you will hit it on the heel of your clubhead.

I know the golfer who told me he never felt he hit the ball on the sweet spot on his driver. He was teeing it up high so I told him to hover the clubhead behind the ball.

He called me and said he hit it on the sweet spot for the first time.

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